Scout just loved the pile of leaves that Zach and Emma raked up on Saturday. He just had a great time jumping in and out of the pile and the kids loved to bury him under the pile.


It was beautiful yesterday so I had Scout outside and we were playing frisbee for a while. I went inside and came back about 10 minutes later and this is what I found. This is not the first time he has dug in the back yard. In fact it’s not the first time he has dug in that exact spot. I had just filled it in last week before going out of town so that when Michele’s mother stayed at the house with the kids, dogs, and birds she wouldn’t have a chance of stepping in the hole and getting hurt. I guess once some boundaries were set she and Scout got along pretty well, of course he did get her muffin one morning and spent a bit of time in his kennel. She has a long hair dachshund and Scout is one of the biggest dogs she has spent time with in a long time. A puppy with energy and brains did seem to get the better of her at times.

After digging his hole he spent some time in jail on the deck, none to happy I might add.

Will he be rehabilitated?

Will anyone bail him out?

Will he learn to sing the blues?

Stay tuned…

Scout can finally go down the outside stairs!  Woo Hoo!  He was starting to really struggle when being carried down and when putting him 3 or 4 steps from the bottom he would just jump off and not actually walk down the steps.  Yesterday when I got home from work he went right down them, although it was very slow.  He takes very tentative steps but will go down even in the dark at night.  This is a huge milestone for him.  Next weekend Michele and I are going away and Nancy is staying with the kids, Scout and the birds and now she will not have to carry him down the stairs!  I knew he could do it, it was a matter of when he was ready to do it.

Three things that don’t mix well are raw pancake batter, a food thief dog, and trying to get to work.

6:50 this morning I was mixing pancake batter for the kids breakfast and while the griddle was heating up I went across the kitchen to put some food down for Scout.  As I am scooping the food I hear his tags hit the counter, yes, it’s a distinct sound, and turn around just in time to see him pull the wire wisk out of the bowl of batter and tip the bowl in the process.  Raw batter poured over the counter onto the floor and of course onto, and I use the term loosely today, the dog.  It is dripping down the cupboards, pooling on the counter and floor, getting stuck in the fur of a four legged food thief and he is right there licking it up like it’s the nectar of the gods.

Bad way to start a Friday.  Sorry no pictures just use your imagination.

Sometimes you just need to laugh.

I was going for a walk the other night and thought I would try a harness instead of the regular collar to see how Scout will walk. We never made it out of the door. He just grabbed the neck loop and put it so far back in his mouth it reminded me of a horses bridle. He was just dancing around the kitchen trying to pull it off and just getting it wedged deeper in his jaw. It was too big for him as it was still sized for Taz and next time I try it I will make it smaller before even getting close to him.