What does a dog with no tail chase? Well, when you loosen his collar and his tags hang a little lower you have your answer. 🙂
What does a dog with no tail chase? Well, when you loosen his collar and his tags hang a little lower you have your answer. 🙂
There is a room in the house that we concider private, the bathroom. It’s also the room with the never ending water bowl, drippy wet legs, and fuzzy towels. Sometimes you just want to go in alone with out a “helper” but Scout seem to have other ideas.
Here is a before and after picture of what I found today when I got home:
This was a Twist ‘n Treat from Busy Buddies with the emphasis on was. I have left this toy for Scout many times in his kennel when going to work but today I got home to the pieces everywhere. They are all pretty small so hopefully if he did swallow any they will pass with out any trouble. Keep your fingers crossed!
Sunday morning Zach and I took Scout to Bowdoin College to play. The Bowdoin Athletic Department is very nice to let people bring their dogs to play on the fields with the obvious rules to respect the area and clean up after your dog. Boy did he have a good time. There were about 25 dogs there of all breeds from small terriers to a St. Bernard puppy (a funny looking thing). It took about 5-10 minutes for Scout to be “accepted” into the group, they all came up and checked him out, everyone was friendly and once the dogs took care of their business he started to play full force. Of course this is a field that is about 3 soccer fields in size and there is one 6 foot mud puddle, guess who found the puddle? Yep, Scout. The went over to that side of the field to see what some of the dogs were doing, there was a deflated basketball in the puddle and Scout just jumped in to rescue it. He laid down and came out muddy from his belly down. There was another larger mix breed that decided to go for a roll in the puddle but otherwise there were only two dirty dogs. most dried off playing but he did keep chasing that mix when ever it would have the basketball. Scout was somewhat slower than him so never really did catch him on his own, only when the other wanted to be caught. We stayed for about a half an hour and that was plenty for Scout. He came home and proceeded to sleep most of the afternoon. 🙂
I finally found a copy of “Why Do Dogs Drink Out of the Toilet?: 101 of the Most Perplexing Questions Answered About Canine Conundrums, Medical Mysteries and Befuddling Behaviors” last night after looking all over the State of Maine. It seems that unless you want to order online, we are out of luck. I bought the last copy at the Augusta Barnes and Noble and that was after calling and checking with six different book stores. I have only read about eight or ten questions so far but it already answered one of my long time nagging ones. What takes a dog so long to find a place to poop. Michele was reading some of these entries to me last night while I was doing stuff and we were laughing pretty hard at a few. I think it’s a book for most dog owners.
Haven’t we all really wondered what was going on in their heads? Come on now you can admit it. 🙂
Keep up the good work Marty and Gina!